Adobe TechnicalSuit for teams Annual – (Level 1 – Tier 1 – 9) – 12 Months

Adobe TechnicalSuit giver dig fem banebrydende produkter, der transformerer dit tekniske, eLearning og forretningsindhold til ekstraordinære oplevelser. Denne licens er et månedligt abonnement, og minimumsbestillingen er 12 måneder. Typen af produkt er Abonnement/Subscription. Dette produkt forhandles specifikt til Erhverv (B2B) og private (B2C). Licensbånd (Tier): Tier 1-9.

7.161,00 kr. Ekskl. moms:
8.951,25 kr. Inkl. moms:

Adobe Technical Communication Suite Five market-leading tools for your technical, eLearning and business content. One value-for-money suite.

Adobe FrameMaker
Work on long, complex content more productively with the powerful capabilities of Adobe FrameMaker. Author in XML or DITA with a powerful, easy-to-use workspace. Create rich, immersive experiences using online videos and unmatched image handling. Collaborate seamlessly using Online Review. Easily take your content to global audiences with new support for XLIFF. Publish for a range of devices from a single source as WYSIWYG PDF, Responsive HTML5, EPUB, mobile app, and more.

Adobe RoboHelp
Create and deliver exceptional Help, policy and procedure, and knowledgebase content with Adobe RoboHelp, now also on Mac. Author Microcontent to fuel chatbots featured snippets in search results and more. Create engaging experiences using HTML5 and CSS3. Make collaboration seamless using web-based review capabilities. Personalize customer experiences using Dynamic Content Filters. Publish content as Frameless Responsive HTML5, PDF, mobile app, and much more to serve customers across all touchpoints.

Adobe Captivate (2019 release)
With the 2019 release of Adobe Captivate, conquer new learning landscapes with a smart authoring tool that lets you create all kinds of fully-responsive eLearning content. Embrace the future, as you effortlessly design modern immersive learning experiences leveraging virtual reality and 360-degree media assets. Amplify video-based learning by easily adding interactivity to videos that you record yourself or bring in from YouTube and drive up learner engagement.

Adobe Acrobat
With Adobe Acrobat, you’re always connected to the tools and documents you need to stay productive and do great things—no matter where you are or what device you’re using. With Acrobat, get every ounce of potential out of your PDFs from any device. Make collaboration with multiple stakeholders painless with the Online Review capability of Acrobat review services#.

Adobe Presenter
Transform your PowerPoint slides into interactive eLearning content with stunning assets and quizzes using Adobe Presenter 11.1. Simultaneously capture your screen content with your webcam video and turn static content into HD videos right from your desktop. Edit videos within the project timeline and publish them to popular video sharing sites. Leverage HTML5 publishing to deliver courses to desktops and tablets. Track learner performance with the integration of leading LMSs.

Hvordan bestilles dette produkt?

Du kan bestille dette produkt online hér i webshoppen, eller ved at benytte nedenstående kontaktformular.

Kan jeg betale med e-faktura EAN?

Digital2 ApS håndterer EAN faktura til alle kunder der ønsker det. Under bestilling skal du oplyse det 13 cifrede EAN nummer og eventuelt indkøbsordrenummer. 

Hvordan kan jeg betale?

Digital2 ApS håndterer alle almindelige kreditkort ved køb i webshoppen. Du kan under bestillingen også vælge faktura som er den mest almindelige metode, derved modtager du levering og herefter faktura. Private kan ikke benytte kreditfaktura. Se desuden vores handelsbetingelser.  

Hvor lang tid tager leveringen?

Alle software licenser leveres online. Alle ordrer valideres manuelt for at sikre korrekt levering. Software licenscertifikater udstedes også manuelt af producenter med slutbruger oplysninger. Normal leveringstid er 1 dag. Alle leveringer sker til den e-mail der oplyses ved bestillingen. 

Mere information

Digital2 har adgang til mere end 1 million varenumre og vi kan umuligt liste dem alle på hjemmesiden. Software priser er ofte påvirket af brugertype, antal og variant.

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