MindManager Enterprise MSA reneval Band 5-9 (1 Year)
MindManager – Den klassiske enkeltbrugerlicens til små virksomheder eller private brugere. MindManager hjælper med at få overblik over komplekse ideer, projekter og information. Typen af produkt er Abonnement/Subscription. Dette produkt forhandles specifikt til Erhverv (B2B) og private (B2C). Licensbånd (Tier): Tier 5-9.
808,00 kr. Ekskl. moms:
1.010,00 kr. Inkl. moms:
MindManager Enterprise empowers teams of 5+ with all the benefits of the single-user MindManager software, plus a uniquely powerful set of tools specifically designed to foster alignment, increase productivity and drive projects forward. It also offers procurement and IT departments a streamlined, supported, cost-effective way to equip MindManager users and the entire organization for efficiency and success.
MindManager Enterprise (perpetual license), you will get:
MindManager Readers a quick access toolbar that includes view maps and flowcharts, including attached documents, links, images, tags, and labels in four views: Map view, Outline view, Linked Maps view, and Gantt View. Create, manage, and print a set of slides for a map, and view it in Slides View. Use Walk Through view when presenting maps.
Go App is a MindManager Go that lets you view and navigate your MindManager files on your mobile device, including task information, properties, formulas, SmartRules, objects, flowcharts, and more.
MindManager License Administration is a license manager of a company who can find a unique link to activate the License Administration Portal in the license certificate of the company. Everything you need to use MindManager is available on License Administration Portal. It allows you to manage who can use your licenses, view license details, access builds for deployment, and much more!
Single-key & single sign-on (SSO) activation support
Hvordan bestilles dette produkt?
Du kan bestille dette produkt online hér i webshoppen, eller ved at benytte nedenstående kontaktformular.
Kan jeg betale med e-faktura EAN?
Digital2 ApS håndterer EAN faktura til alle kunder der ønsker det. Under bestilling skal du oplyse det 13 cifrede EAN nummer og eventuelt indkøbsordrenummer.
Hvordan kan jeg betale?
Digital2 ApS håndterer alle almindelige kreditkort ved køb i webshoppen. Du kan under bestillingen også vælge faktura som er den mest almindelige metode, derved modtager du levering og herefter faktura. Private kan ikke benytte kreditfaktura. Se desuden vores handelsbetingelser.
Hvor lang tid tager leveringen?
Alle software licenser leveres online. Alle ordrer valideres manuelt for at sikre korrekt levering. Software licenscertifikater udstedes også manuelt af producenter med slutbruger oplysninger. Normal leveringstid er 1 dag. Alle leveringer sker til den e-mail der oplyses ved bestillingen.
Mere information
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