G Data Total Security, 9PC enhed(er), 36 måneder, Subscription

G Data Total Security er en komplet løsning for all-round beskyttelse, der tilbyder realtidsbeskyttelse mod vira, hacking, spam og andre internettrusler. Typen af produkt er Abonnement/Subscription. Dette produkt forhandles specifikt til Erhverv (B2B) og private (B2C). Licensbånd (Tier): 9 enheder.

2.354,00 kr. Ekskl. moms:
2.942,50 kr. Inkl. moms:

The new features

  • Anti-Ransomware - No opportunity for extortion Trojans: our Anti-Ransomware technology detects extortion Trojans before they can take your data hostage. We protect you against criminals trying to encrypt your photos, documents and personal data.
  • Password manager - This function memorises your passwords for online shops, forums, email accounts, etc. Integrate our Password Manager into your browser. Passwords and contact data are filled in automatically if required.
  • More about Password Manager
  • Backups - Automatically back up your data locally on your PC or in the Cloud. With password-protected backups, your data always stays protected. Use Google Drive or Dropbox for your data backup.
  • Encryption - Protect confidential information and files with a password. Then they can only be accessed by people you genuinely trust. Also, encrypt external storage media such as USB sticks in this way. Encrypt them by simply using your secure password – without having to install the software first.
  • G DATA BankGuard - Make your banking transactions and online shopping secure – with our patented BankGuard technology. This function ensures that your browser only displays genuine content.
  • Access control - Specify who is allowed to use USB sticks, burners, hard drives and other devices on your PC. With Access Control, you can manage the use of all your USB slots. This will stop malware from getting onto your computer via external storage media.
  • Browser Cleaner  - Tidy up properly – with our Browser Cleaner, you can remove unwanted toolbars and add-ons from Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.
  • Performance-Tuner - Delete outdated cache entries and other ballast. Improve the performance of your PC with a few clicks.

Hvordan bestilles dette produkt?

Du kan bestille dette produkt online hér i webshoppen, eller ved at benytte nedenstående kontaktformular.

Kan jeg betale med e-faktura EAN?

Digital2 ApS håndterer EAN faktura til alle kunder der ønsker det. Under bestilling skal du oplyse det 13 cifrede EAN nummer og eventuelt indkøbsordrenummer. 

Hvordan kan jeg betale?

Digital2 ApS håndterer alle almindelige kreditkort ved køb i webshoppen. Du kan under bestillingen også vælge faktura som er den mest almindelige metode, derved modtager du levering og herefter faktura. Private kan ikke benytte kreditfaktura. Se desuden vores handelsbetingelser.  

Hvor lang tid tager leveringen?

Alle software licenser leveres online. Alle ordrer valideres manuelt for at sikre korrekt levering. Software licenscertifikater udstedes også manuelt af producenter med slutbruger oplysninger. Normal leveringstid er 1 dag. Alle leveringer sker til den e-mail der oplyses ved bestillingen. 

Mere information

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