G Data Internet Security, 4PC enhed(er), 12 måneder, Subscription
G Data Internet Security er den mest populære G Data løsning for private og små virksomheder. G Data Internet Security sikrer dig ikke blot mod virus, trojanske heste og andre trusler. Men giver dig også en software firewall der beskytter dig mod hacking og angreb udefra. Typen af produkt er Abonnement/Subscription. Dette produkt forhandles specifikt til Erhverv (B2B) og private (B2C). Licensbånd (Tier): 4 enheder.
479,00 kr. Ekskl. moms:
598,75 kr. Inkl. moms:
Data Internet Security to take care of you - for the security of your data, and your night's sleep. You get the best protection against viruses, keyloggers and Trojan horses, plus a very effective firewall - you get the best protection against any danger on the internet, such as phishing, spam and spyware - whether you want to send emails, use online banking or just surf around the web. New in this version of G Data Internet Security is the comprehensive "exploit protection" that also secures your PC against malware, or becomes a target for security holes in your other installed software.
The Key Features
- Firewall - Monitors all incoming and outgoing connections to protect against hackers and spyware – fully automatically or according to your own rules.
- Cloud-Backup - Automatically store your encrypted backups in the Cloud – using Dropbox or Google Drive.
- Anti-Ransomware - No opportunity for extortion Trojans: Internet Security stops criminals encrypting your files.
- G DATA BankGuard - Our patented technology secures your browser against manipulation by data thieves – for secure online banking and shopping.
- Anti-Spam - Stops spam such as advertising and phishing emails and keeps your mailbox clean.
- Parental Controls - Control your children’s Internet usage. Specify times and only let your children surf to approved sites.
- Virus scanner - Put your trust in the highest detection rates with technologies working in parallel. Receive new virus signatures every hour, for the best protection against malware.
- Exploit protection - Protects your computer against criminals exploiting security holes in Office applications and PDF readers, for example.
Delivered electronically (ESD) to the specified e-mail stated during the order. Information is provided for use in activating the license, downloading information, etc.
Hvordan bestilles dette produkt?
Du kan bestille dette produkt online hér i webshoppen, eller ved at benytte nedenstående kontaktformular.
Kan jeg betale med e-faktura EAN?
Digital2 ApS håndterer EAN faktura til alle kunder der ønsker det. Under bestilling skal du oplyse det 13 cifrede EAN nummer og eventuelt indkøbsordrenummer.
Hvordan kan jeg betale?
Digital2 ApS håndterer alle almindelige kreditkort ved køb i webshoppen. Du kan under bestillingen også vælge faktura som er den mest almindelige metode, derved modtager du levering og herefter faktura. Private kan ikke benytte kreditfaktura. Se desuden vores handelsbetingelser.
Hvor lang tid tager leveringen?
Alle software licenser leveres online. Alle ordrer valideres manuelt for at sikre korrekt levering. Software licenscertifikater udstedes også manuelt af producenter med slutbruger oplysninger. Normal leveringstid er 1 dag. Alle leveringer sker til den e-mail der oplyses ved bestillingen.
Mere information
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