Adobe Illustrator – Edition 4 for enterprise Annual – (Level 1 – Tier 1 – 9) – 12 Months
Illustrator fra Adobe Produkt typen er Abonnement/Subscription. Produktets varighed er 1 år. Produkt forhandles til Erhverv (B2B) og private (B2C). Licensbåndet er Tier 1-9.
4.520,00 kr. Ekskl. moms:
5.650,00 kr. Inkl. moms:
Discover the world of Illustrator. Explore artist stories, tutorials, Livestream events, and more. Create logos, illustrations, and graphics with tools designed just for Apple Pencil and iPad. Work on desktop, tablet, or even offline — it’s never been easier to take your creativity to new places
Share projects with anyone
Invite others to view your project via the cloud, even if they’re not Creative Cloud members. Gather feedback without having to export and send large files.
In-app Learn panel
Find tons of inspirational content and tutorials to help you take your skills to the next level. Explore the Learn panel or use the search bar.
Auto font activation
Say goodbye to missing fonts. Illustrator now automatically finds and activates all available fonts from Adobe Fonts.
Enhanced 3D effects
Give vector drawings a 3D look. Play with extruding, rotating, lighting options, and Substance effects in the 3D panel.
These features are just the beginning. We’re constantly updating Illustrator on the iPad to help you bring your vision to life even more effortlessly. Here are some of the latest features.
- Optimized for Apple Pencil - Feel like you’re drawing with a physical pencil while creating fully editable Bézier curves, and changing tools with a tap.
- Vectorize - Take a photo of a sketch and convert it into a vector. You can turn any other raster images into vectors too.
- Art and calligraphic brushes - Express yourself with new brush styles. Create and customize strokes to get just the hand-drawn look you want.
- Works with Photoshop and Fresco - Easily bring PSD files from Photoshop or Fresco into Illustrator on the iPad. Photoshop layers are preserved when you import.
- Enhanced Blob Brush - You can taper the ends of the Blob Brush so it feels more like using a real brush. Plus your line automatically smooths as you draw.
- Support for templates - Pull-in Adobe Illustrator Template (AIT) files you’ve purchased from Adobe Stock or other sources. Or start a new project in AIT format.
Hvordan bestilles dette produkt?
Du kan bestille dette produkt online hér i webshoppen, eller ved at benytte nedenstående kontaktformular.
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Hvordan kan jeg betale?
Digital2 ApS håndterer alle almindelige kreditkort ved køb i webshoppen. Du kan under bestillingen også vælge faktura som er den mest almindelige metode, derved modtager du levering og herefter faktura. Private kan ikke benytte kreditfaktura. Se desuden vores handelsbetingelser.
Hvor lang tid tager leveringen?
Alle software licenser leveres online. Alle ordrer valideres manuelt for at sikre korrekt levering. Software licenscertifikater udstedes også manuelt af producenter med slutbruger oplysninger. Normal leveringstid er 1 dag. Alle leveringer sker til den e-mail der oplyses ved bestillingen.
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